The Best Stocks To Buy & Trade Today | 17 Ju7 2017

3 stocks for monday looking very interesting $TWTR $amba $wynn

This is a consistent process that I apply every single day for continued success

That is all for today

enjoy the video
Mr Phil Newton trader

p.s. If you wish to take the conversation further there are three ways that I can help you.

  1. Daily Stock & options alerts.
    I provide the best stock and options trading alert service. You can learn more about it here
  2. Private 1–2–1 Stock & Options mentorship.
    This is a true mentorship program where the objective is to teach you a skill you can use for the rest of your life.
    You can learn more about Phil’s stock market mentor program here
  3. Do it yourself stock market learning.
    Sometimes you simply just need a little extra information and you can see how to find the best stocks to trade options in 2017? click here
  4. …or you can simply get in touch and we can have a chat. 🙂

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